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Articles and Book Chapters 2013

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The Power of Ideas: Esotericism, Historicism, and the Limits of Discourse

Religion 43:2 (2013), 252-273.

My book Esotericism and the Academy had the honour of a review symposium in Religion, edited by Marco Pasi. This is my response to the articles by Giovanni Filoramo, Olav Hammer, Bernd-Christian Otto, Marco Pasi, and Michael Stausberg.

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Textbooks and Introductions to Western Esotericism

Religion 43:2 (2013), 178-200.

In the same issue of Religion I published a large review article of the existing introductory textbooks to Western esotericism, by Antoine Faivre, Nicholas Goodrick-Clarke, David S. Katz, Ulrike Peters, Kocku von Stuckrad, Arthur Versluis, and Hartmut Zinser.

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The Notion of "Occult Sciences" in the Wake of the Enlightenment

Monika Neugebauer-Wölk, Renko Geffarth & Markus Meumann (eds.), Aufklärung und Esoterik: Wege in die Moderne (Hallesche Beiträge zur Europäischen Aufklärung 50), Walter de Gruyter: Berlin / Boston 2013, 73-95.

Here I argue that the concepts of "natural magic" and "occult qualities" have gone through complicated processes of enchantment and re-enchantment, and the notion of "occult sciences" is an artefact of those processes. It should be seen as an object of research, not as a valid terminology for research. 

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Karla Pollmann et alii (eds.), The Oxford Guide to the Historical Reception of Augustine, Oxford University Press: Oxford 2013, 1135-1139.

Written for an encyclopaedic textbook on Augustine, this article gives an overview of his engagement with the Hermetic literature, notably the Latin Asclepius, and particularly its passages on the "animation of statues"  that would become decisive for Hermes' medieval reputation as an idolater.

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Мрії про теологію та реальність християнства ("The Dreams of Theology and the Realities of Christianity")

Філософська думка: Український науково-теоретичний часопис 3 (2013), 92-116.

Ukrainian translation of an article originally published in 2003.

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