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The Problem of "Post-Gnostic" Gnosticism
U. Bianchi (ed.), The Notion of ‘Religion’ in Comparative Research: Selected Proceedings of the XVI IAHR Congress, Rome 1994, 625-632.
Short version of an article originally published in 1992. As a young researcher still without a PhD, I was pleased to be selected for publication in the proceedings of the 1990 IAHR congress (the first conference I ever visited); but the approach of this article is no longer mine.NO PDF AVAILABLE

Het verschijnsel New Age: Hoofdlijnen en een dwaalspoor
Chris Doude van Troostwijk, Jurjen Beumer & Derk Stegeman (eds.), Wij willen het heidendom eeren: Miskotte in de 'nieuwe tijd', Ten Have: Baarn 1994, 62-104.
"The New Age Phenomenon: Main Outlines and a False Scent". An early article of mine about the New Age movement, published in a Dutch collective volume inspired by the work of the theologian Miskotte (picture). NO PDF AVAILABLE