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Antoine Faivre (1934-2021): The Insider as Outsider
Aries 22:2 (2022), 167-204.
(with Jean-Pierre Brach and Marco Pasi). An obituary of Antoine Faivre, the foundational scholar of Western esotericism, in the form of an intellectual and spiritual biography that pays attention to his work as a historian of Christian Theosophy and Illuminism, his religionist engagement of the 1960 and 70s, followed by his rise to international prominence since the 1980s and 1990s.
Provicializing American Theory
Religious Studies Review 48:4 (2022)
A review essay of Jason Ānanda Josephson Storm's Metamodernism: The Future of Theory. In this short essay, I applaud Josephson Storm's project but call attention to two crucial dimensions that come from the European tradition in the humanities and the study of religion but have been ignored in the context of "Theory" or "Critique": historicity and hermeneutics.