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Lodovico Lazzarelli and the Hermetic Christ: At the Sources of Renaissance Hermetism
Wouter J. Hanegraaff & Ruud M. Bouthoorn, Lodovico Lazzarelli (1447-1500): The Hermetic Writings and Related Documents, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies: Tempe, Arizona 2005, 1-104.
This is my long introduction to the Hermetic writings of Lodovico Lazzarelli and Giovanni "Mercurio" da Correggio that I published as a book together with Ruud M. Bouthoorn.
Introduction - Champier, Symphorien - Correggio, Giovanni da - Correspondences - Esotericism - Imagination - Intermediary Beings IV - Jewish Influences V - Kerner, Justinus A.C. - Lazzarelli, Lovovico - Magic I / V - New Thought Movement - Novalis - Occult / Occultism - Roberts, Dorothy Jane - Tradition
Wouter J. Hanegraaff (ed.) in collaboration with Antoine Faivre, Roelof van den Broek & Jean-Pierre Brach, Dictionary of Gnosis and Western Esotericism, Brill 2005.
Seventeen entries for the DGWE NO PDFs AVAILABLE
Rever: Revista de Estudos da Religião 5:4 (2005)
A quite fierce article questioning the monotheist rejection of animated statues as "idolatry".
Spectral Evidence of New Age Religion:
On the Substance of Ghosts and the Use of Concepts
Journal of Alternative Spiritualities and New Age Studies 1:1 (2005), 35-58
About various theoretical and conceptual questions related to the notion of New Age religion. NO PDF AVAILABLE
Swedenborg, the Jews, and Jewish Traditions
Peter Schäfer & Irina Wandrey (eds.), Reuchlin und seine Erben, Thorbecke: Ostfildern 2005, 135-154.
It has often been argued that Swedenborg's ideas come from the kabbalah, but in this article I question that assumption with reference to the anti-Judaism that is evident in his writings.
Human Potential before Esalen: An Experiment in Anachronism
Jeffrey J. Kripal & Glenn W. Shuck (eds.), On the Edge of the Future: Esalen and the Evolution of American Culture, Indiana University Press: Bloomington & Indianapolis 2005, 17-44.
In this article I explore predecessors in the history of Western esotericism to the notion of "Human Potential" that is central to the Esalen Center in Big Sur, California.NO PDF AVAILABLE
New Age Movement
Lindsay Jones (ed.), Encyclopedia of Religion, 2nd edition, Thomson Gale: Detroit etc. 2005, vol. 10, 6495-6500.
Yet another overview article of the New Age movement.NO PDF AVAILABLE
Kocku von Stuckrad (ed.), The Brill Dictionary of Religion, vol. I, Brill: Leiden etc. 2005, 318-320.
Short dictionary article on New Age channeling (picture: the pioneering trance channeler Jane Roberts).NO PDF AVAILABLE
Genezen door te sterven: Het medische dilemma van Justinus Kerner
Amanda Kluveld, Anne Hilde van Baal, Catharina Th. Bakker & Gemma Blok (ed.), Genezen: Opstellen bij het afscheid van Marijke Gijswijt-Hofstra, Amsterdam 2005, 149-162.
"Healing through Dying: Justinus Kerner's medical dilemma": Kerner was a physician who came to believe that his patient Friederike Hauffe was a born visionary who owed her talents to her illness. So should he try to cure her?NO PDF AVAILABLE
Animisme - Antroposofie - Bijgeloof - Boehme - Channeling - Demonen - Emanatieleer - Geestverschijningen - Gnostiek - Healing - Heksen - Hermetisme - Holisme - Horoscoop - Magnetisme - Nag Hammadi - Neo-Platonisme - New Age - Nostradamus - Rebirthing - Rozenkruisers - Scholem - Tolkien
George Harinck, Wim Berkelaar, Albert de Vos & Lodewijk Winkeler (eds.), Christelijke encyclopedie, 3 vols., Kok: Kampen 2005.
Twenty-three short entries on esoteric topics for a Dutch "Christian Encyclopedia".NO PDFs AVAILABLE