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How Magic Survived the Disenchantment of the World
Religion 33:4 (2003), 357-380.
In this attempt at a historical comparison between pre-modern and modern/contemporary "magic," I argue that magic is supposed to be has been thoroughly transformed under the impact of modernisation and secularisation processes, including the rise of science and psychology.
The Dreams of Theology and the Realities of Christianity
J. Haers & P. De Mey (eds.), Theology and Conversation: Towards a Relational Theology (Bibliotheca Ephemeridum Theologicarum Lovaniensium, 172), Leuven: Peeters 2003, 709-733.
In this polemical article I argue that Christianity is largely misunderstood by theologians and should better be studied from the perspective of the study of religion.

Westerse esoterie en de mythe van het oosten: Het voorbeeld van reïncarnatie
Aart Mak & Otto Sondorp (eds.), In s’hemelsnaam: Dialoog tussen oud en nieuw geloof, Meinema: Zoetermeer 2003, 91-109.
"Western esotericism and the Myth of the Orient: The Example of Reincarnation". In this Dutch article I argue that to understand modern and contemporary belief in reincarnation in the Western world, we need to look not primarily to "the East" but to Western esoteric traditions. NO PDF AVAILABLE